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Top 10 Cruise Books - an update.

Top 10 Cruise Books - an update.

You sent us such great feedback on our ‘Top 10 Cruise Books’ Blog that I just wanted to quickly update you on some new books that have just come out. These focus on Cruising as it is at the moment, reflecting on the post-Covid Limbo that the industry has been plunged into! I’m sure there will be many more books to come but I wanted to catch you up with some of the best new releases.


Cruising Interrupted - Paul C. Thornton £7.35 (kindle edition)

Originally intending to be entitled More Joy of Cruising (it is a follow-up to the award-winning The Joy of Cruising) this book was well underway when everything ground to a halt. Paul cleverly refocused his book, following the stories of different cruisers, aboard ships all over the world on March 11 the day the pandemic was announced and Cruising was interrupted. Alongside this he focuses on other aspects of cruising with interviews from Cruise addicts, aficionados, experts and authors from all over the world. A joyous celebration of everything we love about cruising!

At present only available on Kindle, you can find more information here: https://amzn.to/3noEKmd

Another book heavily focusing on Covid-19 and its affects is

Quarantine! : How I Survived the Diamond Princess Coronavirus Crisis - Gay Courter £12.99

Quarantine! is the insider’s book on the Diamond Princess episode, a suspenseful real-life drama recounting best selling author Gay Courter’s twelve-day ordeal aboard ship with her husband. Covering their tenacious efforts to get the U.S.government to repatriate them and other Americans aboard, and their subsequent fifteen-day quarantine under federal order at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

Available both on Kindle and in paperback, you can find more information here: https://amzn.to/3s8Z7HR

Cruise Ship SOS: The life-saving adventures of a doctor at sea - Ben MacFarlane £13.99

I have to put my hand up and admit that I missed this next book in our Christmas Roundup - it was a real omission. This is a really excellent book that gives you a real insight into the world of the Cruise Doctor whilst still being great fun. Written by Dr Ben MacFarlane, a ship's doctor on a world cruise with 3,000 passengers and crew to look after. He explains why ship's doctors think bar stools should carry health warnings, why the casino can be safer than the sick bay in a storm and why no amount of sharks, pirates or tidal waves will ever be as dangerous as the midnight buffet! Find out more here; https://amzn.to/3hV2oFS

Our original Blog post and TOP 10 cruise book list for 2020 follows…

If you are looking for a book to read or a gift for a cruising friend then we have lots of ideas ( and a few warnings) for you! The links through to Amazon are affiliate links which earn us a small amount if you actually purchase something - they do not cost you any extra and its it good way to help you shop quickly!

Also I just wanted to mention that most of these books are also available on Kindle so if you like you can download them and read them for free on a 30 day Kindle Unlimited free trial.

1: The Joy of Cruising - Paul C. Thornton £9.46

A truly interesting and thought provoking book - Paul C. Thornton profiles travellers, cruise writers and bloggers from all over the world with a passion for cruising and who act on that passion in creative and fascinating ways. Absolutely perfect for both cruisers and anyone who thought that cruising just ‘isn’t for them’ - it tells so many varied stories of people who love to cruise and how they do it. https://amzn.to/33ikYBR

2: Berlitz Cruising & Cruise Ships 2020 - Douglas Ward £9.99

This best-selling book deserves its place here as the cruise industry bible: it gives you all the information you need to choose the right cruise for you.  Meticulously updated every year it is full of facts, photographs and information about the cruise experience. Almost 300 detailed and unbiased reviews of different ships of all ages, makes this an invaluable tool when booking a cruise. https://amzn.to/2V4rV4T

3: 180 Years of Cunard - Chris Frame £11.99

Originally published in 2015 but updated for 2020, as the Cunard Line celebrates its 180th anniversary this year -this soft backed book is stuffed full of information and pictures. One of the most famous and iconic transatlantic shipping companies, Cunard’s history is meticulously documented and explained. https://amzn.to/37afdaq

4: Cruise Confidential - Brian David Bruns £9.99 

The first of a successful series of ‘tell all’ books about what goes on below decks on a cruise ship. Written after a year working aboard Carnival ships, some stories are a little in need of a PG warning so just be careful that you know the receiver well before giving any of this series as a gift! If in doubt purchase the following book! https://amzn.to/3fCthNx

5: High Tea on the Cunard Queens - Paul Curtis £13.59

Subtitled ‘A Light-hearted Look at Life at Sea’ this book will appeal to a very different cruiser from the previous book (and probably neatly sums up the difference between Cunard and Carnival lines)  Paul Curtis worked on the original Queen Mary as entertainments officers, ‘over a Cunard high tea in the Queens Room, and a drink in the Red Lion” he shares the tales of the ships and some of the antics of both passengers and crews. As Paul has worked, travelled upon or photographed every Cunard Queen ever built his enthusiasm is infectious! https://amzn.to/3laZX1O

6: Confident PortExplorer - Cathy Rogers £9.99

Aimed at both experienced and first time cruisers this book is of interest to everyone as it encourages you to think about and plot a ‘whole voyage’ experience. Suggestions on the best way to organise your daily itinerary (whether using the ship’s excursions or exploring independently), the book dispels cruising myths and if full of do’s and don’t’s for going ashore. Well written, informative, and full of great hints and tips, this excellent guide is an absolute must for all cruisers. https://amzn.to/3pYZyn3

7: The Great Passenger Ships of the World - Raoul Fiebig  £18.95

This beautifully illustrated Hardback book is full of photographs and loads of facts, figures and information on the various types passenger ships around the world, cruise ships obviously included! Regularly updated and revised this is a fascinating book and would make a great gift. https://amzn.to/3fEcKsp

8: Sail Away - Celia Imrie £7.99

Fiction Books are always a bit hit and miss when it comes to cruising - quite often you worry that someone has never actually set foot on a cruise ship before writing it! This jolly little story of an actress getting embroiled in mystery on a Transatlantic crossing is a bit of fun and, as the author has lectured aboard the QM2 in the past, the book is pretty accurate and not likely to irritate a knowledgeable cruiser. https://amzn.to/3fDXVGu

9: The Woman in Cabin 10  - Ruth Ware £7.15

An enjoyable fast paced murder mystery set aboard a cruise ship. The plot is cover although not exactly unique and the writing may slightly irritate really pernickety readers as there are a few small cruising errors. This is one of those books where I’m not sure that the author is a real Cruise fan -however overall it is quite good fun. It would make an acceptable present - the story is well written and it will pleasantly fill a winters afternoon https://amzn.to/3maNuwD

10: The Cruise Planner - Cathy Rogers £8.99

Finally… we can’t write this list without adding our bestselling book The Cruise Planner! Loved by many cruisers this is just the place to record all the information and details you need to plan your perfect cruise. You use one for each individual cruise so you can never have too many which makes it a perfect gift! The Planner contains comprehensive lists, worksheets, a cruise arc planner, packing suggestions, diary and journal, all helpfully set out to cover the planning and execution of your perfect cruise in five clear sections.*When, where, how *Plotting and planning *Getting ready to go *On board and ashore *Time to go home Easy to use, the planner will help you record and store all the information you need right at your fingertips, eventually becoming a journal you will keep for many years, both as a handy reference and to remind you of your Perfect Cruise. https://amzn.to/3l8UYii

I hope you find this a helpful selection of ideas - please add your thoughts below in the comments section if I’ve missed any of your favourite books!

Please share this Blog on Facebook or Twitter so your friends and family can read too or pin it for future reference on Pinterest.

Happy portExploring!




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